Fraction of a Stain Glass Window

Youth Group

Press Here for the 2024 SJYM SCHEDULE

Edge Ministry

Grade 5 - Grade 8

Start Date: September 27th 2024

Join us as we help our youth discover what it means to be a part of the Catholic Faith!

Together our Edge Ministry helps equipe young participants to grow in their understanding of scripture and discover how to use the Bible as a tool of prayer and guidence. We learn through games, activities, and small-group discussions, emphasizing a space of curiosity to further develop Catholic values.

Click Here To Register For Edge Ministry

Edge Logo 



Life Teen Program

Grade 9 - Grade 12

Start Date: October 4th 2024

We are excited to welcome back the Life Teen program for the high school youth of our parish!

The Life Teen program fosters an open community for teenage participants who are looking for a Catholic space to expand on their knowledge of the Catholic faith. Let us continue to build on the foundations created, further exploring the kerygma and how we can put our faith into action. 

Click Here To Register For Life Teen Program

 Life Teen Logo



SJYM Volunteer Leader Sign-Up 





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If there are any comments, questions, or concerns regarding St. Jerome's Youth Ministry please reach out to:

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