SJr Advent 2024

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 29, 2024

已发布 : Dec-27-2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we approach the end of 2024, I would like to take a moment to reflect on this past year and offer my gratitude. First and foremost, I thank the Lord for His guidance and providential care in leading us through this year.

I joined you as your pastor with our new Deacon Norberto Aquino midway through 2024, and I want to express my deep appreciation to Msgr. Michael Busch and Theresa Culliton for their dedication in pastoral leadership during the first half of the year. I also wish to thank Fr. Prem and Rocelyn for their tremendous support in helping me settle into the parish. Though change can be challenging, we have worked through it smoothly together, and I am grateful for your warm welcome and unwavering support.

If I were to highlight one program, I am particularly proud of, it would undoubtedly be our amazing choirs. I would like to thank the choir directors who give so much time and effort to plan, rehearse, and lead our music ministry: Lorenzo Condotta (Saturday 5:00 p.m.), David Bebiem (Sunday 8:00 a.m.), Mary Ann Braganza (Sunday 10:00 a.m.), and Belén Fazio (Sunday 12:00 Noon). Belén, a young student and lead cantor, will also take on the role of director starting this Sunday. Their dedicated service to the Lord and to our parish is deeply appreciated.

As our Archbishop Emeritus, Thomas Cardinal Collins, often says, “The Church exists for the Sunday Eucharistic celebration.” In this mission, our sacristans play a pivotal role, ensuring that every detail is in place for our liturgies. I am grateful to all our newly appointed sacristans under the leadership of Audrey Large, Fatima Yogaretnam, and Patricia Fernandes. They are supported by a dedicated team: Archie Barton (weekday sacristan), Maria Lugue, Fatima, Liza Djiauw (Saturday 5:00 p.m.), Franky D’Souza, Pat Romeo (Sunday 8:00 a.m.), Archie Barton, Audrey Large, Patricia (Sunday 10:00 a.m.), and Elizabeth DeSousa (Sunday 12:00 Noon).

I also want to acknowledge Roshni Viegas,

Loreen Noronha and Angelica Camama for their leadership in the altar server ministry, which has flourished under their care. Additionally, Bon D’Costa and Marlene Claire Steele as Lector Co-coordinators, Mary Tandoc as the coordinator of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and Peter Dalla Via and Norma Ilic as coordinators of Hospitality and Ushering have been instrumental in supporting the liturgy. I am grateful to the members of our Building Committee: Lloyd Gomes, Mike Mroczkowski, Peter Mazzuchin, Carlos Martins, and John Glynn-Williams.

Our Parish/School sacramental preparation program has grown under the leadership of Donna Shotwell, our sacramental coordinator. We are blessed with 28 dedicated catechists and four administrative volunteers for our First Communion and Confirmation programs. I am especially grateful to Renee Chortos and Teresa Shebib-Jankowski, who lead our catechists for First Communion and Confirmation, respectively. Perla Saya, our new Youth Minister, has also revitalized our youth ministry through the Friday Youth Fellowship.

St. Jerome is blessed to have Fr. Dominic Borg - a great Bible Scholar and spiritual master leading the study on the Book of Psalms. I thank Monique Wong & Alex Jayasundara for facilitating the online support.

Many have expressed their appreciation for the simple hymns sung at weekday Masses. Thanks to Daniela Dalla Via and her volunteers for this wonderful contribution. Daniela has also generously shared her time with the Mothers & Toddlers program, gardening, and decorating. I am also grateful to Mike Mroczkowski and Joe Cardoso, who are always ready to assist with repairs and moving items around the parish. A special note of appreciation to John Schiebel for his relentless efforts in coordinating the washroom renovations funded by the C.W.L.

A special blessing this year was the opening of our Adoration Chapel. This space has provided great comfort for prayer and reflection. While we still need more volunteers to help cover all hours, it is a work in progress.

There are many more ministries yet to be formed and nurtured, and we continue to seek more volunteers with faith and commitment. As previously mentioned, our Building Committee is diligently working with Larkin Architects on a building assessment. Once it is completed, we will update you with all the details.

I am deeply grateful for your faith, fellowship, and support. May the good Lord bless you all with good health and happiness in the coming New Year, 2025.

In Christ,

Fr. James Cherickal

Your Pastor